Thursday, May 26, 2011


...not to be confused with brainWASHING.

Brainstorming is when you clean out your brain.
Brainwashing is when you are stuffing junk INTO your brain that shouldn't be there.

So I've decided that's my next step.  I've done this before...I have a system.
I pull out a notebook...usually a new I can 'start fresh' with my 'new frame of mind'.  Next, I label the notebook...depending on what my 'new frame of mind' is.  Once, it was...

Esther's Book of Ideas

That was in my not-creative 'frame of mind'.  Labeling can make or break your brainstorming, so be careful.  This one still sits empty collecting dust under my bed.
The next step is very crucial.  I'm a visual person.  I like to have things appeal to me visually (which explains my fascination with Dwayne Johnson...but that's another blog altogether...).  
Mmmmmmmmmm...he sure is pretty.

So then I add pictures that stimulate my creativity.  Sometimes I draw them...sometimes I cut and paste (many Muscle & Fitness magazines have been sacrificed to the brainstorming god...but they will have not suffered needlessly).  
I also add valuable quotes...motivational and inspirational...which stir ambition and determination to stick with the program. 

The last part of the system, which I have really never gotten's like the Holy Grail of my process.  This part of the system is where I buckle down and actually DO the brainstorming.  I start on an empty page of the notebook and write down what I want to do and where I want to be in 5 years.

That's where I'm at...RIGHT. NOW.  I'm at the brainstorming portion of the program.  This is the toughest part for me.  I was a stay-at-home mom for 14 years thinking that's what I'd be doing for the rest of my life.

BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The joke was on ME!
It doesn't mean I can't do it.  It just means I have to come out of that *&%# comfort zone AGAIN and re-define and re-invent myself.  This process used to scare me and I used to really hate it.  Now, I like who it's making me into.  So...I'll brainstorm.

Who might lead me to...
...THIS guy one day!

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