Wait...I think that's 'revenge'.
Progress feels 'cold' sometimes, though...and revenge can LEAD to progress as a motivator.
I KNEW there was a connection.
Progress and I have a love/hate relationship. I LOVE to see progress and progress LOVES to push me beyond my limits...which I HATE. Although I've been told I love a challenge...there is that part of me that faces it with dread. It might be because I'm not in my 'comfort zone' and anything else feels 'icky'. I will, however, admit that when a challenge sets in I do dig my heels in and really work hard to make it happen.
...and usually it does.
So why don't I have more confidence that I can overcome a challenge? I don't know...except that I fight against myself for some reason. Maybe I'm afraid to succeed...or afraid that I'll finally find a point where I won't/can't make it happen and I will fail. Not sure...jury is still out on that one. Let's just say that I do know that I fight myself and leave it at that.
...and the winner is...
The answer is a little tricky because to say that I win either way is false. I don't win when I decide not to try, yet the part of me that says she doesn't want to try does a little happy dance when I cave. Let's sum things up...I won when I decided to work on losing weight. I won when I decided to take those
So, when I say that progress is a dish best served cold, I guess it means that progress takes time and if you think you are going to eat a bowl of piping hot progress...think again. Once in a while you are able to take a bite of it warm and savor the taste...and it makes you want more. But you'll find that, like some foods, progress is better cold.
Like ice cream.
1 comment:
Progress should come with fries on the side. Or in a pretty sundae cup with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Thanks, now I'm hungry!
You can fight and cry and moan all you want, but in the end, you've given Progress a punch in the face every time.
Good on ya', Wilson.
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